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Meet PK Spot: making "the beautiful game more beautiful"

Some may think that soccer balls are only used on the pitch but PK Spot is changing that.

Meet PK Spot, a small business that's revolutionizing the way we think about and use soccer balls. From making beautiful plant pots to office decor, read the story behind how PK Spot came to be and how it's making the "beautiful game more beautiful".

Photo courtesy of PK Spot


What made you interested in soccer?

My mom put me in soccer at the age of 4, and if I remember correctly, it was an instant love. I played competitively until 18, and when I got to college and even now, as an adult, I have always tried to play the game. Right now, I play indoor soccer to keep the connection alive.

How long have you been making plant pot art? What made you decide to use soccer balls as pots?

The idea for the soccer ball planters was born last year, but we didn’t do anything about it since I was working night shifts and in college. So in January of this year, 2022, we officially launched the planters. Our PK Spot business is still very new. I love soccer and my partner loves plants and by marrying the two, we made PK Spot. We saw basketball planters, but nothing for the beautiful game. We decided to make the beautiful game more beautiful.

One of PK Spot's first pieces. Photo courtesy of PK Spot.

Do you feel seen, heard, and valued as a member of the soccer community?

Yes, for the most part I feel seen, heard, and valued in the community. With our business just getting off the ground, the support we have felt has been more than we could’ve imagined from the online community: shares, likes, purchases, and opportunities. Personally, the soccer community is relatively small in Idaho. I wish there was more space here to expand and put ourselves out there, but I definitely feel valued and heard on the indoor team I am on. I play with a lot of older guys, so it’s cool to have a safe space as a queer woman.

What clubs and/or teams do you support?

I support Chelsea FC. That club has all of my support. I started supporting them after the 2014 WC. I keep tabs on all the top leagues in Europe. We’re trying to get more invested in the MLS as the LA team (LAFC) has Mexican strikers, and Salt Lake (Real Salt Lake FC) since that’s the closest team to us. The plan is to go see LAFC v Real Salt Lake in August to help decide on which one to support lol.

A planter paying homage to Chelsea. Photo courtesy of PK Spot.

What are some goals you hope to accomplish with PK Spot?

I’m not entirely sure. I want to continue to have fun with it. We want to get it off the ground, but don’t want it to get too big because I love my full time job. I want PK Spot to be a way to grow the game and to give soccer/football lovers a talking piece when friends/families/coworkers visit their homes/offices. That person can share the love of the game and maybe get someone else to watch games.

Down the road, it would be amazing to team up with different organizations to really give back, but for right now, we just want to enjoy it while it’s here and create conversations about soccer.

A beautiful office pen and pencil holder. Photo courtesy of PK Spot.

What are your thoughts on the 2026 World Cup?

I am beyond stoked for the World Cup to be in North America. I’ve never been to a World Cup so it’ll be amazing for an event to be in the States especially now as the MLS is growing and gaining more and more fans and recognition. I hope the WC makes more fans in the States and soccer can be a bigger and more accessible sport here. With all that said, I do believe more western states should’ve been looked at for the WC like Denver or something as most games will be on the East Coast or in Texas. Also, Mexico and Canada should’ve had more stadiums utilized and more games in their respective countries. Mexico is an amazing soccer nation and Canada is trying to grow their own game. It’ll be interesting to see how it all comes together as it gets closer and what teams will qualify.

What players do you look up to? Why?

There’s so many - but two from the women’s game that I love: Tobin Heath and Sam Kerr. I remember watching her (Tobin Heath) when she wasn’t even a starter for the USWNT. I think she’s got a lot of grit mixed with her flare of technical skills and tricks. You can see she’s a fighter whether she’s fighting for a starting position, coming back from injury, or making the world recognize her name. She also has a humility about her. I love players that seem to not take up the spotlight and keep to themselves.

Sam Kerr: Who doesn’t love her? I’ve always had a soft spot for the Australian team, and when Kerr bursted on the scene in the last WC it was one of the moments of, “Finally! She’s finally getting the recognition she deserves.” Then she made the move to Chelsea, and it was “game over” since that’s my team. I get to watch her more now. She’s also got grit and is a fighter (literally, when she shoved the pitch invader 😅). She shows women not to give up, and to thrive in pressure cause that’s when we really show up. Talk about tenacity. She’s a goal chaser - when one goal is reached, she keeps making new ones and isn’t satisfied until they are met. I love that.

Men’s side: Eden Hazard - he’s like a Tobin Heath for me. Humble beyond belief. I could watch his post match interviews for days. He’s such a real human being in front of the cameras. He carried Chelsea for years, and relished in that role. He left us with respect and dignity which I believe is hard to find nowadays with how much these players get paid and the power they have. Despite the hiccups at Real Madrid, he is choosing to fight for his spot because he believes in himself and believes his fans should get the best of him. He always loved his fans, and that’s special to see in a player.

(Photos courtesy PK Spot)

What would be your dream soccer match? Who’s playing? Where is it taking place? Who would you want to sit next to and strike a conversation with?

In an ideal world, I would love to be watching a co-ed match with some of the best from both the men’s and women's game. I would love to be at Stamford Bridge sitting next to any legend of the game from Mia Hamm on one side to Drogba on the other.

What comes to mind when you hear the word “soccer”?

I wish we would call it football lol. But hearing the word soccer gives me instant joy in whatever context.

And how can others support you?

Just keep sharing, liking, buying, and giving feedback. We want to hear and see our products in other spaces.

To learn more about PK Spot, give them a follow:

And shop their plotters at!!!:


"united we see. united we hear. united we are."

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